B-V Beef Flavored Broth and Sauce Concentrate

B-V Beef Flavored Broth and Sauce Concentrate: The Beefer Upper

B-V can bring great magic to your kitchen. Here is a product that combines flavor excellence, nutritive value, versatility and consistent uniformity in a quality meat extract product. French chefs have a way with food that has earned them the reputation of the world's finest. One of their "secrets" is the generous use of meat stock to add a rich flavor to vegetable and meat dishes. Meat stock made from soup bones and vegetables takes considerable time and is somewhat involved. Many chefs have found that B-V not only provides unsurpassed meat flavor, but is much more easily and quickly prepared. B-V adds that professional finishing touch to your meals; its rich "meat magic" flavor lends a distinction to your special dishes. Few products are as versatile... few products provide so many possibilities for exercising your own originality in planning and preparing delicious, satisfying meals.

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